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Getting an education in a box is no longer the only option. Online classes, simulated learning environments and on-the-job training are a few options available to today’s students. Learn about 4 major alternative education ideas that are designed for tomorrow’s healthcare leaders.

1. Online Tutoring

Tutoring is a method that has existed since the beginning of education. Tutors were primarily available through schools; today, the Internet has brought countless more options to a student’s computer. Have access to thousands more tutors of varying ages, educational achievements and levels of work experience.

2. Field Trips

The two main problems with traditional education are the lack of interest and lack of hands-on training. Students spend too much time sitting in classrooms or in front of computers and learning knowledge that they never practice applying.

Routine field trips are not required in high school and college classes; however, following this routine is an effective way to keep students interested in the material. For a few hours, they skip the tedious task of reading textbooks and see how their knowledge is applied in the real world.

3. Learning Simulations

Online learning simulations are designed for students who need hands-on training. Apply the knowledge that you have learned in a virtual world that resembles the real world. Second Life is a popular example of simulated learning that students and teachers access online.

Online learning simulations are no substitutes for online degree programs. A program is designed for a well-rounded education that you can take outside of the learning environment. Find a variety of accredited online schools and course programs that focus on healthcare studies. Pursue an online healthcare administration degree if you are confident about becoming a leader or manager. Also, pursue a medical billing degree to work in a clinic or hospital office.

4. Emphasis on Multimedia

Multimedia has become a major aspect of society that few people can survive without. Today’s generation is hooked on smartphones, TVs and the Internet. The best medical teachers use different multimedia formats, such as videos, lectures and 3D diagrams, to enhance their curricula.

In traditional education settings, teachers experience many frustrations when they teach common subjects. Soon after the first day of school passes, tedium and boredom set in quickly. Alternative learning is the way to get more out of a medical education. It is important that healthcare students look for innovative ways to succeed in their studies.

Lizzie Weakley is a freelance writer from Columbus, Ohio. She went to college at The Ohio State University where she studied communications. In her free time, she enjoys the outdoors and long walks in the park with her 3-year-old husky Snowball. Connect with her on Google+ and (@LizzieWeakley).

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