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As more schools opt for remote learning in response to growing COVID numbers, some students continue to struggle to embrace an online learning model and how to make the most of virtual coursework. If you find adapting to online learning challenging, here are some tips on how to stay engaged during remote lessons.

  1. Create a distraction-free space

    Focusing on online lessons takes patience, discipline, and a quiet space. Eliminate distractions around you such as your cell phone, television, or video games while engaging in online classes, studying, or completing assignments. 

  2. Ask questions

    Asking questions shows that you are listening and putting thought into the course discussions. If you don’t have time or are intimidated to ask questions during class, reach out to your instructor after class to ensure your question is answered, and you don’t fall behind.

  3. Connect with your instructor

    Online classes can pose a challenge in meeting with your instructor one-to-one. Attending virtual office hours is a good way to stay connected with your instructor, ask questions, and show your instructor that you genuinely care about the class.

  4. Take note of it

    It’s easy to let your mind wander during class and give the impression of listening when you’re really not. To combat this, take notes of key talking points during class. Writing things down can boost your focus on what’s being discussed, and help you hone your listening skills. After class, review your notes and highlight takeaways that may help you study or apply to assignments.

  5. Form virtual study groups

    Stay engaged with classmates by creating a study group and meet online to prepare for exams, group projects, or assignments. While it may not be the same as in-person collaboration, it’s beneficial to hear from your peers to gain different perspectives on class discussions or writing assignments, or to quiz each prior to a test.

  6. Utilize study tools 

    From note-taking tools like Evernote and study planners such as Schooltraq, there is a huge variety of free resources available to improve your studying and keep track of assignments. These tools can help you take your study game to the next level while learning new techniques.

RELATED: 5 Distance Learning Pitfalls and How to Overcome Them

Although learning remotely takes flexibility, you can make the most of it by taking steps to stay engaged during your online lessons, and staying on top of your coursework. Building strong study habits and focusing while in class will enable you to excel in your studies and set you up for success.
