Your college tuition includes more than just taking classes and earning a degree. Did you know that most colleges offer a number of services as part of the cost of going to school? If you aren’t using these services, you may be missing out on all that college has to offer. Check out our list of seven student services you should be using now:
College planning
Are you thinking of changing your major, adding a minor, or potentially pursuing a master’s degree? Reach out to your college counseling office to discuss your academic goals, and they can help you explore continuing education such as graduate or online programs to help determine your best options.
Financial aid support
Need money to pay for tuition costs? Your college’s financial aid center is the place to go to determine if you’re eligible for financial aid and how much you can expect to receive, answer questions you may have about the FAFSA, and help you find scholarships for which you qualify.
Academic advising
Throughout your time at college, it’s important to check in with an advisor or academic support services to ensure you’re on the right path. From helping you choose the right classes, to ensuring you’re getting all of the required credits you need to graduate, academic advisors are there to help you every step of the way.
Veterans services
If you’re a veteran, many colleges host a number of programs designed specifically for you to help you learn about education and training opportunities, find financial aid resources, transition back to civilian life, plan your career, and search for jobs. Military-friendly schools will even help connect you with other veterans on campus and assist in finding resources for eligible military spouses and dependents.
Mental health support
Mental health issues, such as anxiety and depression, have reportedly been on the rise and have increased since the COVID outbreak. Many colleges have recognized the increased demands placed on students and have started providing resources to assist those struggling to cope with the difficulties of academic life. To combat mental health issues, more schools are providing mental health resources such as individual and group therapy, psychological resources, alcohol and drug dependency programs, stress management workshops, mental health counseling, and more.
Health and wellness center
Your school’s health center can offer you much more than a well check or treatment for a sinus infection. Many colleges have ramped up health care services to include nutrition counseling, assistance with student eating disorders, the coordination of success plans for students with learning disorders and physical disabilities, campus safety practices and awareness, suicide prevention, sexual assault awareness, the promotion of good overall health on campus, and more.
Career planning and placement services
Don’t wait until graduation before visiting your school’s career center. Many colleges and universities offer assistance finding internships, locating employers seeking applicants in specific degree programs, exploring graduate school, and preparing for a job search. Take advantage of the assistance your college or university offers to help build and boost your resume.
RELATED: Mental Health Resources for College Students On-Campus and Beyond
Taking advantage of these services will provide you with the resources you need, enhance your college experience, and help set you up for success.