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Some people think that college is just the continuation of high school, but it is not. It’s much more different than high school because it shapes you into the person you want to be.

In college, you’ll gain the knowledge, experience, and skills that will help you adapt to a variety of jobs on the market. Finding a job is never easy, but statistics show that you’ll be able to find a job, keep it, and earn more money while doing it if you finish college.

In order to finish your education, you need to be productive, and that means forgetting about certain old habits and acquiring new ones in order to boost your productivity. Don’t pay attention to what other people are saying because college is not easy. But, with the right mindset, you’ll be able to get your diploma.

Let’s take a look at some tips that’ll help you become a productive member of this society and a good student.

Go to class

Obviously, going to every class in college is always a good idea, and you need to make a habit of getting up early and going to classes. Sometimes drinking coffee with your friends or taking a nap seems like a good idea but in reality, it is not. Wherever you are, you need to get up, pack your books, and go to class. Don’t bring just your body to the classroom, bring your brain and your heart too. You’re going to need them there.

This doesn’t mean that you should completely forget about your friends. Make a schedule that revolves around your classes and stick to it. It will be hard at first, but as time goes by you’ll notice that your life will seem more productive than ever.

Take notes

Going to class is not enough, you need to learn to take notes. Let’s be honest, unless you’re a superhero you probably won’t be able to memorize every little thing your professor said. Make a habit of taking notes and stick to it. Learn note-taking techniques and write down everything quickly because your professor certainly won’t talk slowly.

Learn everything you can

Imagine that your brain is a dry sponge that needs water (knowledge) to survive. Never let that sponge be dry again. A college is a place where you can drown your brain with knowledge, not just in class, but by talking to your professors, friends, and speakers on campus. Learn to ask the right questions and talk with everyone. Eventually, you’ll get hooked on learning new things, and you’ll start asking everyone about everything.

Being shy was maybe OK in high school, but you need to ditch that mindset if you want to drown the sponge with cool, refreshing water.

Focus on hard things

If you have different things to do or learn at the same time, try focusing on hard things first. Just select the most tedious and time-consuming tasks and do them first. By doing this, you’ll avoid procrastination associated with easy projects.

Don’t multitask

Multitasking might seem like a very good idea at first, but you really need to forget about it because it damages your brain and career. When you try doing this, your brain starts switching from one thing to another, and you might end up being confused. Frequent shifts in your brain are not efficient, and they will severely decrease productivity.

Take breaks

When you first start college, you’ll probably feel overwhelmed by all the things you need to do, and you’ll probably try to learn as much as you can in a short period of time. According to an article in the Huffington Post, it is recommended that students take mental breaks approximately every 45 minutes. That’s because the brain is unable to fully focus for a longer period of time without losing steam. Some college students even hire a virtual receptionist when they don’t want to be distracted by phone calls and messages.

Make shorter deadlines

Your professors will tell you when and why something is due, and you’ll write down those dates. Don’t leave those dates on a piece of paper because you’ll probably forget about them. Get a planning app and set the alarm to remind you when every project is due.


Mens sana in corpore sano. That means ‘’a healthy mind in a healthy body’’. Exercise whenever you can. You might think that incorporating exercise into your already busy schedule is impossible, but that’s not the case. It’s actually simple. Run to your classes and keep some small weights near you while you’re studying. In time you’ll start lifting them while studying without even noticing!


Sleepless nights will kill your productivity. Students usually party like there’s no tomorrow, and you shouldn’t be an exception of course. Just make sure to get a good night’s sleep before an exam.

Your college experience will shape you into a person you need to be, and it will set you up for the rest of your life. Party when you can, but be productive and learn everything, because you’ll need that knowledge!

Emma Miller is a marketer and a writer from Sydney. Her focus is digital marketing, social media, start-ups and latest trends. She’s a contributor at Bizzmark blog and a mother of two.

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