Nursing School Entrance Exams
Considering a career in nursing? Peterson’s Master the Nursing School and Allied Health Entrance Exams will provide expert test-prep practice to help you score high on your entrance exam, along with valuable information on financing your education.
Peterson’s Master the Nursing School and Allied Health Entrance Exams is a comprehensive source that offers the essential test prep needed for the RN, PN, and allied health entrance exams. This easy-to-use guide provides in-depth review of the basic facts, principles, and concepts of all nursing entrance exam subject areas. In addition, there are several tests for each subject area to help test-takers become familiar with exam questions and improve their test-taking skills. This study guide includes essential review of subjects covered on the NLN PAX-RN and PAX-PN; PSB-RN, PSB-PN, and PSB-HO; and NET and TEAS, a Diagnostic Test to help assess strengths and weaknesses, practice tests in each subject area, including more than 1,700 questions with detailed answer explanations, and thorough exploration of math, verbal ability, reading comprehension, health, and science subjects.