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When comparing college degrees, it’s important to consider how useful your degree is going to be throughout your life. There are many ways to measure this. However, it’s not always as simple as it first appears.

A degree that’s a waste of time for one person might be quite valuable to someone else. Let’s look at four factors that help determine how useful a particular degree might be for you.

Consistent with Current Job Trends

As the pace of technology accelerates, it’s essential to look at the direction in which different industries are moving before choosing a college major.

Check out resources such as the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, which projects likely job growth in various industries over 10-year periods. This helps you choose a degree in a field where job growth is likely to be strong in the near future.

Places You at the Leading Edge of Your Profession

Not all degrees in a particular field are alike. Some are more traditional while others are more future-oriented. A College degree in healthcare is now extremely valuable. However, the best of these help you prepare for the very latest trends in this field.

When it comes to nursing, for instance, the focus is now on patient-centered care. If you’re considering a program such as an online FNP degree (Family Nurse Practitioner), look for a flexible and forward-looking program that will help prepare you for a successful career in nursing.

Helps You Succeed in a Popular Field

One hallmark of a useful degree is that it gives you some flexibility within a field that’s popular and that serves a real purpose in the community.

For example, college and professional sports are hugely popular and also help many young people achieve their full athletic potential. A degree such as an online master’s in coaching education is a good choice for anyone who wants a career related to college athletics.

Has a Strong Reputation

Rather than relying entirely on what a college or university says about its own degree programs, it’s also good to get third-party opinions. Look up the institution and degree program online and look for objective information.

Talk to someone you trust in that field. It’s even better if you can find someone who’s graduated with the degree you’re considering. You might also call or email executives or human resources managers in leading companies in the relevant field and ask their opinions about the program you’re considering.

There are many ways to assess the usefulness of a college degree. You can start with your own interests and the job prospects in the industry. Then you can look more closely at the particular program and gather helpful information about its reputation.

About the author: Anica is a professional content and copywriter from San Francisco, California. She loves dogs, the ocean, and anything outdoor-related. She was raised in a big family, so she’s used to putting things to a vote. Also, cartwheels are her specialty. You can connect with Anica here.

All views and opinions of guest authors are theirs alone and are not representative of the views of Petersons.com or its parent company Nelnet.
