Obtaining a bachelor’s degree in philosophy is a great starting point for many students looking to get into a vast number of different fields, particularly law, politics, or academics. An online philosophy degree program will lay the foundation for personal and professional success by teaching you how to structure and clearly communicate persuasive arguments. Graduates become a valuable asset to any organization or company looking for employees who can think outside the box, look at problems from different angles, and answer simple and complex problems in an efficient and effective way.
During your degree program you will learn how to critically and analytically think, organize thoughts in an easy-to-understand way, write clearly, effectively communicate, analyze tasks and set priorities, and be able to apply your knowledge to any career or academic field. Analytical thinking is a very valuable skill for employers, along with being able to think on your feet, be flexible, and grow into a successful member of any company. You can typically focus your bachelor’s degree education into traditional philosophy, which deals with Greek and European philosophies, or analytical philosophy, which deals with mathematics, logic, and theoretical physics. Coursework typically includes ethics, metaphysics, logic, epistemology, aesthetics, and other philosophical courses that deal with law, the mind, science, and more.
Many philosophy students go on to law school or graduate school for philosophy or other related studies. For those who want to go onto graduate school to obtain a master’s or PhD, you will want to gain an understanding of a bunch of different philosophical theories so that you are able to choose a specialty you are most passionate about. Along with obtaining a master’s in philosophy, many students get master’s degrees in education, history, religion, physics, business, and political science. In order to teach at a college level, you will need a master’s or PhD.
Getting your degree in philosophy will truly allow you to do anything you would want to do with any other arts and humanities majors. It is one of the few disciplines that give students employment opportunities in almost any career field. Plus, philosophy graduates on average score higher on admissions tests like the LSAT and GMAT. Your highly developed skills will allow you to find jobs in many settings, including business, health, writing and editing, public service in local, state, and federal governments, law, information technology, science, and many more.
Though a degree in philosophy isn’t necessarily a prerequisite for jobs, you will find yourself a step ahead of the competition after graduation as employers continue to recognize the need for individuals who can think and work independently, and do so effectively.
Become a Philosopher by Obtaining Your Degree Online | Peterson’s Online Schools