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Sometimes, it can help to get a little perspective on the relative costs of college education. A college education ain’t cheap, and looking at some figures on the differing costs of college degrees can help you get a good read on what paying for a college education might mean for you.

And if nothing else, figure out how much money you’ll need to save to buy a 20-foot long animatronic triceratops.

Yeah. You heard me.

Private Colleges and Universities

National Average for 4-year degree $21,324
Harvard College $52,652
Yearly tuition, room, board, and fees
Sarah Lawrence College $56,282
Yearly tuition, room, insurance, and fees
University of Pennsylvania $57,360
Yearly tuition, fees, housing, meals, books,
and personal costs
Princeton University $55,850
Yearly tuition, room, board, and miscellaneous
Yale University $55,850
Yearly tuition, room, board, books, and personal

Public Colleges and Universities

National Average for 4-year degree      $6,397
National Average for 2-year degree $2,527
University of Pittsburgh Titusville $20,860
Yearly tuition, room, board, and fees
College of William and Mary $12,412
Yearly tution, room, board, books, travel, incidentals,
and fees
Ohio State University $19,926
Yearly tuition, room, board, and fees

Community Colleges

Fox College $16,247
Yearly tuition, fees, books, and supplies
Ozarka College $16,105
Yearly tuition, fees, room, board, books, supplies,
and expenses
Los Angeles City College                  $16,815
Yearly tuition, fees, room, board, books, supplies,
and expenses

Who really needs a college degree, though?

Fully Functional Tron Light Cycle $55,000
20 Foot Animatronic Triceratops $350,000
Lifetime Supply of Twinkies $27,375
Assuming you eat 3 twinkies a day for the next
50 years
A Hawaiian Vacation $4,750
Two week trip, flight and hotel included
Lady Gaga’s Meat Dress $100,000

All facts and figures concerning tuition are sourced to the individual websites of the colleges and universities. Facts and figures concerning national average figures come from the US Department of Education.

Looking to get started paying for college? Check out Show me the money
