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Tapping into our motivation is a powerful way to supercharge back-to-school success. Bringing awareness to how you are motivated and wielding the power of what drives you may lead you to lasting fulfillment in your life and academic career.

Tap Into Natural Curiosity—Intrinsic Motivation

People engage in an activity when intrinsically motivated because they find it interesting and inherently satisfying. Allowing yourself to invest in the areas you are interested in and passionate about can fuel your passion, intrigue, and lead you toward fulfillment. For example, this could mean investigating how to build a bike if you are interested in mechanics.

Obtain an Outcome—Extrinsic Motivation

When extrinsically motivated, people engage in an activity to obtain a reward or avoid punishment. This could mean completing an assignment solely for a good grade or doing so for the approval of friends or family. 

Is One Motivator Better than the Other?

Neither of these motivators is inherently good or bad, however, studies point to intrinsic motivation being linked to school achievement—the pursuit of one’s interests supercharges personality development, introduces new ideas and challenges, helps us to adopt a growth mindset, and reinforces values.

Harnessing Intrinsic Motivation To Supercharge Learning

You can connect subjects that feel less intriguing to ones that compel you. For example, imagine you are enrolled in a geography class and are tasked to learn about volcanoes. Your interests may lie in botany. If this is the case, you can find ways volcanoes impact plants before, during, and after volcanic eruptions. Connecting botany and volcanoes further cements the information you’ve learned about both topics by tying knowledge to something that genuinely interests you—bridging the gap between your passions and other topics.

Find a Community

A great way to supercharge your passion and motivation is to find individuals who are interested in what you are passionate about by getting involved in groups, volunteering, learning from one another, and creating a sense of community. Make a point to connect with others for back-to-school success.

Systems and Structures that Support Motivation

Even the most motivated need support and structure to help them succeed. Here are a few key areas to investigate to help stay motivated throughout the year:

  • Nutrition—eat meals that are balanced and nutritious
  • Rest—take time to replenish with time to relax and recharge. Get plenty of sleep.
  • Exercise—improve your mood and sleep while reducing stress and anxiety
  • Time management—limit screen time and track your responsibilities through a planner or digital calendar. This will help you to prioritize tasks, set goals, and create a study schedule. Effective time management can help reduce stress and improve productivity.


Motivation is a cornerstone of achieving success in both academic and personal spheres. By understanding and leveraging the power of motivation, you can create a dynamic and fulfilling learning experience. Intrinsic motivation, driven by genuine interest and curiosity, helps you connect deeply with your subjects. Understanding what intrinsically motivates you and connecting it to other topics you need to learn about creates a robust foundation for sustained success. As you embark on your back-to-school journey, remember that the key to thriving lies in aligning your passions with your efforts and establishing structures that enhance your motivation. Embracing these strategies will help you navigate your academic challenges with greater ease. You’ll be able to unlock a pathway to back-to-school success, long-lasting personal growth, sustained motivation, and achievement this year and beyond.
