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Each test for Catholic High School Entrance Exams is unique, yet there are a few tips for every exam that you can use to ensure you have the best chance of success in any number of them. A triumphant test day begins with you and these five Catholic High School entrance exam tips. 

  1. Manage Your Time Well

Practice using proper time management during study by developing and sticking to a schedule. Begin by breaking the study of different subjects into manageable chunks. Chunking the material will help you recall the information and actively build connections between subjects. Effective time management will also help prepare you to manage your minutes better during a timed test. 

  1. Take Care of Yourself

Mental and physical well-being is essential for optimal performance while studying and on test day. Eat nutritious meals, get adequate sleep, take breaks to enjoy hobbies or leisure activities, and exercise. It’s important to strive to bring your best self to test day which means meeting your needs so that you can walk into test day confidently.

  1. Actively Review Material

Consistently review topics to solidify them in your brain. Use flashcards, self-quiz, practice tests, or teach the material to someone else. This sort of memory exercise helps to establish concepts better in your memory than simply rereading notes or textbooks. You must actively interact with the material that you are trying to learn about by taking notes, highlighting key points, and asking questions along the way to comprehension. 

  1. Study Consistently

Regular study can help reduce the stress from studying and impede procrastination. Trying to fit all your studying into one or two sessions can harm your studying. Space out your review sessions as it is proven to lead to better retention of information than last-minute cramming.

  1. Cater to the Specific Exam

While strategies for all tests are useful, it will be vital to know the test you will be taking. That way, you can familiarize yourself with the test format and focus. Imagine ordering from a restaurant if you cannot find their menu listed anywhere. In the same way, it is challenging to know how to best prepare for a test if you don’t know what will be on the test menu. So, research beforehand to best prepare for the specific exams you will be taking. Be aware if there are any special requirements for your test, like downloading proctoring programs or using calculators.

For any test, it is crucial to study and prepare so that you have the best opportunity to get the score you desire, stand out among the competition, and take charge of your academic future. By using these Catholic High School entrance exam tips, you’ll set yourself up for an alert and prepared test day. Find out more about each test at:  https://www.petersons.com/testprep/high-school-prep/.