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Choosing to pursue a career in public health presents you with a wide range of specialized options that allow you to have an impact on health issues at the societal and individual levels through teaching, research, consulting, advocacy, or clinical practice.

Searching for a Public Health School

The type of public health degree you pursue will largely be driven by whether you are more interested in research and teaching or public health practice. Some public health graduate programs may lead to academic degrees (M.S., Ph.D., and Sc.D.) that will prepare you to perform research or teach at the university level. Other programs may lead to professional degrees, such as the M.P.H., Dr.P.H., and M.H.A. degrees, that prepare you to work in hospitals, government agencies, community organizations, international agencies, and health departments.

One of the main criteria when evaluating public health programs is your area of interest. You can select a career focus in biostatistics, environmental health, epidemiology, health services administration, international and global health, or nutrition, among many other specializations. You’ll want to ensure that the public health graduate program you choose can meet your needs in terms of the academic curriculum and research and internship opportunities.

Whatever option you choose, you can search for public health programs onr our site today to help discover the public health school that is the best fit for you.
