Your GED® test scores report indicates whether or not you passed the test
The GED test does not attempt to measure everything you can do or everything you know. Instead, the test compares you to recent high school graduates relative to your skills and knowledge in mathematics, reading, science, social studies, and writing.
Each item on the tests is worth one point if you answer it correctly. If you answer incorrectly, you get zero points. Your GED test scores will show your performance on each of the five tests, but the actual number of items you answer correctly is not reported to you. For each GED test, you will receive a standard score between 200 and 800 that compares your performance to the work done by graduating high school seniors. You will also receive percentile scores, which compare your performance to that of those high school seniors. In addition, score reports include a score total from all five tests, as well as an average. Perhaps the most important elements of your GED test scores are reported via two small boxes: Pass and Non-Pass. Minimum passing scores are determined by the jurisdiction in which you take the tests, so be sure to visit the GED test website to find out exactly what is required of you.
The GED test is administered in many locations around the world
There is not an online version of the GED test. The tests can be taken only at official testing centers established by the GED test program. Worldwide, there are more than 3,400 testing centers, so at least one should be convenient for you. Your state’s GED test office will be able to provide you with further details, and you can get additional information at the GED web site.
It is always wise to call your official GED test center before you plan to take your tests. You should confirm the center’s operating hours; some centers are open evenings and weekends in addition to their normal business hours on weekdays. Also confirm the test center’s exact address. In many cases, test centers operate additional testing sites that may actually be closer to you. Finally, you should also check with the test center about any residency restrictions that may be in effect.
GED test dates
Each GED test jurisdiction offers the test periodically throughout the year. To get current and accurate information about GED test dates, contact your state’s GED test office or your local testing center. Their contact information is available at the GED test website. The site also offers other important information about the test, GED test prep, and what the test scores mean.