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You’ve tackled your last assignments, crushed finals week, and wrapped up those last minute work deadlines. Now you’re off for a couple weeks and plan to spend countless hours binging Netflix on the couch. And while R&R during the holidays is much needed (and encouraged), using your winter break wisely can help you go into the new year with confidence. Here are a few ways you can utilize your winter/holiday break for a successful new year ahead.

  1. Work on your resume: Regardless if you’re looking for a job or not, now is the perfect time to update or create your resume. Not sure where to begin? Utilize our blog for resume tips or check outfree templates to help you get started. On your resume, you’ll want to include your work experience, any significant accomplishments you’ve made, internships, jobs, volunteering efforts, or relevant school activities. Remember to create or update your LinkedIn profile. LinkedIn is a great online showcase of your work experience, skills, and achievements.
  2. Give back to your community:  Volunteering is important work that benefits others and yourself as well. When you volunteer and help others, you improve your community and your success. Read our blog post on how volunteering not only helps your community thrive, but improves your mood, builds a strong foundational network, and boosts your resume.
  3. Set personal goals: Although New Year’s goals can be cliche to some, the holidays are a perfect time to reflect on the year that has just gone and set some goals for the approaching new year. What are some things you’d like to accomplish both personally and professionally? Make a list of accomplishments and goals you’d like to achieve.
  4. Make a budget: The holidays can often be a strain on people’s wallets. What better time than to set a budget for next year? There are countless tools to help create and monitor your daily, monthly, and yearly budgeting.
  5. Get organized: Winter break is a great time to declutter your room, apartment, office, or home. Start by separating items into three piles: donate, recycle, or trash. Decluttering is a great way to start the year feeling organized and accomplished.
  6. Schedule appointments: From having your annual physical to taking your car in for an oil change, now is the perfect time to check some items off your to-do list that you’ve been putting off for months. 
  7. Create a healthy routine: The holidays are often considered a time to indulge in yummy treats and hearty meals but it’s important to balance the indulgence with healthy meals filled with nutrients beneficial to your health. Exercising is also important for your overall health. You don’t need to spend countless hours at the gym each day. Get outside for a long winter walk, lace up your ice skates, or head to the slopes for a fun-filled day!
  8. Spend time with family and friends: Take this opportunity to spend quality time with your family and friends. Create new memories together by attending holiday parties, enjoying the outdoors, watching movies, or creating new holiday traditions.
  9. Read a book: Recreational reading can be a great way to relieve stress and unwind while stimulating your brain. Now is the perfect time to finish up that book you started earlier this year.
  10. Don’t slack on your progress: Whether you’re learning a new language, studying for an upcoming exam, or participating in a training or educational program, set aside a small amount of time each day to continue your awesome progress!

Whether you choose just to relax or to balance productivity and rest, there is no right or wrong way to spend your time. Do what is best for you! Whatever you decide to do this winter break, we hope you head into the new year feeling refreshed, prepared, and happy.