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Once you have decided to continue on to an MBA and have decided upon which school(s) for which you will be sending an application, that’s when the work begins. Getting your application together, and doing it correctly can be difficult and time-consuming. With these few pieces of advice, we hope to make the process at a little bit easier and increase your chance of being accepted.

Test Scores from your GMAT:

Most MBA schools will require test scores from your GMAT as part of the application for admission. When you take the GMAT, you can choose up to five schools to have your scores sent to. You’ll just need to provide the information on each school when you take your test. Be sure to have that information available. If you are applying to more than five schools, you can still have your test scores sent automatically, but for an additional fee. It is important to schedule to take the GMAT early enough so that your scores can be tallied and submitted to the school before the application deadline.

Transcripts and Resume:

These are more items that you will need to have ready prior to actually completing the application. Your transcripts are sent by your school. Sometimes they are given to you in a sealed envelope to send to your prospective school. Other times they are sent directly to your prospective schools. Typically, there is a fee for printing new transcripts, so be prepared to pay for each set of transcripts you need to request. It is a good idea, particularly if you are still attending your school, to check your grades and scores to make sure they are correct. You want to make sure that the transcripts you send include the correct information. Many times, you have an online account, where you can log in and see your grades.

Many MBA programs will ask for your resume. Take some time to make sure your resume is current, especially if you have not updated it in a while. Have someone else look at it and critique it for you. You’ll want your resume to be completely accurate and absolutely free of any typos or grammatical errors.

Letters of Recommendation and Personal Statement:

The final things you’ll need to prepare for ahead of time are letters of recommendation and your personal statement or essay. Be sure you ask your recommenders early, so that they have time to complete the letter of recommendation before the application deadline. Give them a copy of your resume and remind them of accomplishments, or other items you feel would be helpful for you on your letter.

Remember that your personal statement or MBA essay is a great way for your prospective school to learn more about you. Make sure you completely follow the directions for the essay. Some schools will have specific questions they want you to answer. Other schools will leave it more open to you to construct a personal statement. Either way, give your personal statement some time. Have others review it. At its best, your personal statement is your statement, in your own words, of why you should get a slot in the MBA program over other applicants.

Completing the Application Itself:

Most applications can now be completed online. Do this if you can. Make sure that all grammar is correct and that you have completely provide the information requested. If you must print out the application form, the best bet is to type in the information requested before printing it out. If you must fill out portions of the application by hand, then make sure that you do so as neatly as possible. Have multiple copies of the application at hand, just in case you make an error while writing information in. Your MBA Essay is important, so as a last step before submitting it to your school with your application packet, we recommend having a professional look at it.
