How do I know if the schools on my list are too hard or too easy? Do you base it on average SAT scores?…
It’s been a long-accepted tradition in the college admissions game for students to pass the final semester of high school languishing in gym and…
Peterson’s Two-Year Colleges 2018 is a comprehensive guide featuring more than 1,950 accredited two-year colleges in the United States and abroad. Detailed profiles give students…
You may have done it before. You may have even done it dozens of times. And if you haven’t, you might have at least…
Are you in the middle of college prep and beginning to freak out because—on top of everything else—you need to write a resume for…
For some kids, sports are their lifeblood. They love the competition, the physical challenge, the adulation, and the euphoria of winning. For them, the…
In many liberal arts schools, entrance into a theater arts program probably won’t require you to attend a college audition. However, if you’re pursuing…
Choosing a business school is all about finding the school that fits you the best, just as it was when you chose a college…
When helping your child pick a college finding the right match is of the utmost importance. In the long run, college is for your child,…