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So you want to work in the legal field. This means you are likely evaluating different careers and education options to find one that suits you. It’s important for potential students to evaluate legal education programs they are considering carefully to ensure the programs are accredited and certified by the proper organizations, such as the American Bar Association, or getting jobs might prove difficult or even impossible. Here are four different types of college programs you can consider if you wish to work in the legal field.

1. Pre-Law Programs

If you know you want to work in the legal field as an undergrad, you can enroll in pre-law programs to best prepare you for law school. Pre-law programs help students develop skills that will be very useful for their law careers, including solid writing, communication, critical thinking and problem solving skills. These programs prepare you for law programs in higher education and teach you the skills needed to be successful in a legal career. You can pair pre-law programs with other degrees to give yourself a more specialized education.

2. Paralegal Studies Programs

If you want to work in law and do many of the same things lawyers do without getting a law degree or having some of the heavy responsibilities of attorneys, consider going to school to be a paralegal. Generally the job prospects for paralegals are greater too, as law offices attempt to cut down on operating costs. You can become a paralegal after completing a program for an associate degree or by completing a certificate program if you have a degree in another field.

3. Juris Doctor Programs

Going to school for a J.D. is what aspiring attorneys must do in order to practice law in the United States. You also need to go through one of these programs to become a judge. For a more specialized education, you can also go on to get an additional master of law degree, which requires an additional year of schooling in most cases and allows law students to specialize in particular areas of law. There are several online masters programs available as well from good law schools in Florida and elsewhere.

4. Doctor of Juridical Science Programs

If you want to teach law, you will also have to enroll in one of these programs. It is the highest education level for the legal field. These programs are heavily research-focused and students generally need to know their research interests before applying for these programs. You will spend most of your time compiling a dissertation.

There are more education options for studying law than many people realize—a juris doctor degree is not your only option. Consider any of the above programs you might be interested in if you want to study law and work in the legal field. There are not only multiple levels of legal education, but also different college programs for other legal careers, like paralegals. You should be able to find something that suits your needs with a little bit of research.

About the author: Anica is a professional content and copywriter from San Francisco, California. She loves dogs, the ocean, and anything outdoor-related. She was raised in a big family, so she’s used to putting things to a vote. Also, cartwheels are her specialty. You can connect with Anica here.

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