Getting to your high school graduation is no small accomplishment. You’ve worked hard, had some great times and some not so great times, and…
Congratulations! Graduating from high school is an important milestone in your life and you should feel proud in your ability to do so. So,…
Nurses are in demand and will continue to be in demand for a long time to come. If you are a student planning on…
The first and best thing you should do when preparing to visit a college is to make a list. There will be tours of…
You may be wondering why you are even worrying about your career path as a high school sophomore. You still have plenty of time…
After doing tons of research, talking with admissions personal, getting advice from friends and parents, and weighing all of your possibilities, you eventually narrow…
When asked about the number one factor in college admissions, many students are not aware that colleges overwhelmingly say it’s rigorous high school classes.…
While doing your college planning, you have probably developed an idea of what you’re looking for in a college. Here’s another thing to think…
I currently am a junior in high school. As summer approaches, I’m considering my options for activities. I haven’t really done a lot in…