Your test is looming on the horizon and you need to prepare. Whatever you choose, do something! Almost anyone can bring up his or…
How do I know if the schools on my list are too hard or too easy? Do you base it on average SAT scores?…
As you apply to some colleges and universities, you may be required to take one or more SAT Subject Tests. Some of those institutions…
Both the ACT® and SAT tests are designed to measure what a student has learned in the course of their high school education, and…
After taking the Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT), you might have to wait a little while before you get your test scores…
First of all, congratulations on graduating from high school! This is a huge accomplishment and you should be proud of yourself. Second, you have…
Under the gun, and feeling the need to make a decision about which tests to take: the ACT, the SAT, or both? Relax! The…
Are you prepared for the SAT Subject Tests? Try these sample SAT Subject Test questions from the Biology, Literature, Math Level 1, Math Level…
What does it take for an international student to get an admission in the United states of America? What are the requirements? How can…