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Psychology is the study of the mind. Specifically, how mental processes affect human beings and drive their behavior. Some pursue a psychology degree because they wish to study and understand more about the mind, personalities and behaviors. Some pursue a degree because they wish to help people with psychological issues. For others, it’s a combination of both of these. Psychology is an interesting and engaging field with plenty of opportunity for graduates.

Bachelor’s degrees in psychology

A psychology degree is versatile, and many who receive an undergraduate degree end up in positions that are not directly related to the field. Those with a bachelor’s degree can be found in positions such as sales, human resources, labor relations, training, and marketing. Remember, your psychology degree has helped you understand how people’s minds work, and so any position that requires people skills can benefit from a degree in this field. If you do wish to work in the field of psychology, a bachelor’s degree would be beneficial for a social worker, career counselor, and working along with psychologists or psychiatrists.

Many will use a bachelor’s degree in psychology as a starting point toward a master’s degree, either in psychology or some other field. A bachelor’s in psychology works well with master’s degrees such as sociology, political science, human resources, teaching, and communications.

Graduate degree in psychology

Psychology is a dense topic, and so many of the career opportunities in the field require a graduate degree – a master’s or higher. Those with a master’s degree are more likely to find a job directly related to their psychology degree. With a master degree, you can become a rehabilitation counselor, school counselor, and a therapist or mental health counselor. You are also more likely to find a psychological research position with a master degree. If you pursue a Ph.D. in Psychology, then you can become a clinical psychologist.

Psychology programs

An undergrad degree program in psychology, like any other undergrad programs will include prerequisite courses in math, history, English, and life science. Likely you will also be required to take biology. Psychology-specific courses will often depend on your focus, and whether you are choosing a bachelor of arts or bachelor of science degree program. A bachelor of science will require chemistry courses and some extra math classes. Likely you’ll find yourself taking psychology courses such as developmental psychology, history of psychology, behavioral and cognitive psychology.

If you are planning to move on to a graduate degree, you may want to take some courses that will prepare you to move on to graduate school. Depending on your focus, these will likely include psychology classes such as abnormal psychology and developmental psychology as well as classes on personalities. In addition, you’ll likely need to take statistics and possibly chemistry.

Psychology is a great field, with a lot of opportunity. Yet this comes with the caveat that, if you want to work directly in the field of psychology, you are probably going to need more than a bachelor degree. If you want to be a counselor, a therapist, school counselor or something similar, then you will need to continue your education beyond the bachelor level and get your master degree. If you want to by a clinical psychologist, then a doctorate will be required. Psychology is a deep subject, and therefore it requires a lot of education. However, that education pays off in opportunity and salary once you graduate.

More Degrees in Psychology:

Associate Degrees in Psychology / Bachelor’s Degrees in Psychology

Master’s Degrees in Psychology / Obtain Your Psychology Degree Online
