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In this age of rapidly-changing technology, new computer applications are being created every day.  Apple education tools are leading the way.  As a student, you can pursue iTunes U degrees or enhance your existing degree program by downloading course materials from the biggest online catalog of educational resources available in the world. As a college professor or high school teacher, you may want to know why Apple iTunes U can help you educate students better.

Professors and teachers can use iTunes U’s Course Manager to create lesson plans, course schedules, class notes, testing materials, and homework assignments.  Consider how easy it would be for you, an educator, to organize instructive coursework and supplementary materials if you could create a file that your students could download as an app.  It would be extraordinarily useful to an educator to be able to communicate with your students through a special user-friendly Apple education app, letting them know quickly about changes in assigned homework or testing dates.  A teacher could maximize his effectiveness through use of this inventive digital tool. Apple recently announced that more than 1200 universities and colleges and 1200 schools (K-12) use the iTunes U program.

Another advantage of iTunes U degrees and courses is that individuals can download a variety of course apps to pursue at a later date for fun.  If you have graduated from college and are working at a full-time job, you may be interested in expanding your educational horizons or thinking about starting to work on a graduate level degree.  If you are a teacher, your county or state education board may require that you complete a graduate degree by a certain number of years of employment by them.  Education can be fun and exciting, especially when you are learning something different.  Why not download a course for a subject you have never taken before?  Take a chance on expanding your mind and enjoy the thrill of learning something new and challenging. Try an Introduction to Psychology course or a Business Law class or pursue a semester of Archaeology to enjoy yourself and to improve your interpersonal and professional communication skills.  You are never too old or too educated to continue learning.

What type of classes are available from Apple iTunes U and what computer tools do I need? You can download these apps on your iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch or laptop.  The apps are developed from educational materials gathered from libraries, museums and universities worldwide. A single keystroke can bring you closer to the wonders of the world, to learning more about subjects of ancient civilization or reviewing modern biochemistry topics or understanding global economic politics.  You will have access to an Apple education through free downloads as you work to achieve your goals of enhancing your education and learning more about subjects that interest you. Accordingly, Apple recently announced that they had reached the 1 billion mark in downloads of iTunes U apps!

That is why Apple iTunes U can help to educate students!
