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2-Year School

Central Carolina Technical College

Sumter, SC

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Central Carolina Technical College is a 2-year institution located in Sumter, SC, in a small town setting.

Location & Contact

Address 506 North Guignard Drive
Sumter, SC  29150
United States
Contact Ms. Barbara Wright
Director of Admissions and Counseling
Phone: 803-778-6695
Fax: 803-778-6696

Majors & Degrees

Business, Management, Marketing, And Related Support Services Associate Bachelors
Accounting Checkmark
Administrative Assistant And Secretarial Science, General Checkmark
Business Administration And Management, General Checkmark
Sales, Distribution, And Marketing Operations, General Checkmark
Computer And Information Sciences And Support Services Associate Bachelors
Data Processing And Data Processing Technology/technician Checkmark
Engineering Technologies/Technicians Associate Bachelors
Drafting And Design Technology/technician, General

Tuition & Fees

Money icon


Fees icon


Full-time student fees

Student Body

Total Undergrad students
Out-of-state students


Hispanic/Latino 5.53%
Black or African American 47.29%
White or Caucasian 41.23%
Asian 0.86%
Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander 0.56%
Two or more races 4.41%
Other 0.11%


Male (29.39%)
Female (70.61%)

Campus Life

Student Activities

Student-run campus newspaper Checkmark
Drama/theatre group Checkmark
Student-run radio station Checkmark
Student-run television station Checkmark
Marching band Checkmark
Choral groups Checkmark
Campus events:
Spring Fling, Student Appreciation Day and Centralfest

Student Services

Legal services Checkmark
Health clinic Checkmark
Personal/psychological counseling Checkmark
Women's center Checkmark
International students advisor Checkmark

Student Organizations

Greek fraternities
Greek sororities
Local fraternities
Local sororities
Most popular organizations:
Creative Arts Society, Phi Theta Kappa, Computer Club, National Student Nurses Association (local chapter) and Natural Resources Management Club

Campus Security & Safety

24-hour emergency telephone/alarm services Checkmark
24-hour patrols by trained officers Checkmark
Student patrols Checkmark
Late-night transport/escort services Checkmark
Electronically-operated dormitory entrances Checkmark
Other Campus Security & Safety:
security patrols parking lots and halls during working hours and off-duty police officers are deployed on main campus during peak hours
Central Carolina Technical College