Aviation science degree programs are great for students who want to learn about the theory and technology of modern aircraft. Accredited online aviation programs give you flexibility so that you can work and obtain your bachelor’s or master’s degree at your own pace. Graduates of these programs typically go on to find work in air traffic management and other aircraft related jobs. When choosing a school, accreditation is important, so be sure to research local and national accreditation programs so that you know you are getting a high-level of quality education.
When you begin to take classes in your educational program, you typically choose a specialty area of study. Depending on the career field you want to get into, you can specialize in airport and airline management, aviation maintenance, aeronautics, and more. Each of these programs will offer different career paths, so be sure to research which one is right for you.
During your program you will take many classes that will teach you about best aviation practices to allow for safe travel through the sky. Students learn about aerodynamics, FAA regulations, airline administration, transportation safety, aircraft systems, air traffic control, and meteorology. Upon graduation, students will also be able to manage and evaluate flight plans and weather forecasts, ensure repairs to aircraft are done properly, and manage a large number of people that are involved in flying small single propeller planes to large commercial airlines. You will also gain versatile skills that will be applicable to a number of different career fields, including written and oral communication, logical reasoning, organization, and the ability to follow instructions.
If your goal is to work as a pilot after you obtain a degree in aviation, keep in mind that you will have to meet some basic physical requirements, including good hearing and eyesight and overall good health. Pilots are required to complete a certain amount of fieldwork where they learn how to operate and fly multiple types of aircraft safely, though most of the education is offered online.
Upon graduation you will be able to apply your knowledge to a number of different job titles and industries. Some jobs might require a master’s degree or other certificates; however, most graduates can find work in cargo or passenger operations, military piloting, flight instructor, astronautics, agricultural operations, traffic and news reporting, tours, and public safety. Other higher-level jobs include safety inspector, air traffic controller, aerospace management, and aircraft mechanic.
Become an Aviation Professional by Obtaining Your Degree Online | Petersons Online Schools