If you are interested in becoming a minister or working for the church, then getting an online degree in ministry could be right for you. Accredited online ministry degree programs offer the flexibility to obtain your degree while you work or volunteer and take classes at your own pace and from your own home. Ministry programs are meant to educate students about the Bible and give them the chance to make a positive difference in their community. Ministry degrees are typically offered at the associate, bachelors, masters, and doctorate level, and online schools offer flexibility not found elsewhere.
Educational programs tend to vary from college to college, but in general you will learn about biblical theology, ministry and leadership, ethical decision-making, biblical counseling, personal growth and self-management, and public speaking and preaching. You will engage in an in depth study of basic and complex biblical doctrines of Christianity, learn how to lead and help others better themselves through religion, spiritual transformation, and faith-based practice, and obtain the skills you need for various management and leadership roles that focus on the Christian worldview.
You will also be able to focus your area of study in specific concentrations so that you can begin down a specialized career path. Typical concentrations include business, human services, criminal justice, sports and youth interaction, pastoral counseling, discipleship, and more. Choosing a specialty that you are passionate about will allow you to work in a setting that you are most interested about. For example, if you want to help children stay on the right track and out of trouble, then focusing your education on teen challenges and youth studies would be a great way to ensure you are qualified in this area of pastoral leadership.
Upon graduation you will be qualified to begin employment in a number of different organizations, including churches, ministries for youth, family, medical facilities, faith-based nonprofit organizations, missions, and community outreach programs. Job titles can vary, but typically include teacher, youth pastor, evangelist, church administrator, pastor, camp administrator, and counselor. As with any career path, the more education you have the more qualified you will be, so consider furthering your education by obtaining a master’s or doctorate while you work in your career field.
Become a Minister by Obtaining Your Degree Online | Peterson’s Online Schools