Avg. Amount Awarded
May 15 2025
Application Deadline
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What you'll need:
  • Checkmark Application Form
  • Checkmark Application Form May Be Submitted By Mail
  • Checkmark Entry In A Contest
  • Checkmark Self-addressed Stamped Envelope With Application
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Contemporary Record Society National Competition for Performing Artists


CRS is pleased to announce its National Competition for Performing Artists. All applicants accepted by the CRS committee must send acceptance letter and submit a final date of work(s) to be recorded upon the approval of CRS. In the event a jointly approved date is not accomplished in sixty days of acceptance, applicants will forfeit all rights to recording with CRS. Each contestant must complete their agreed recorded work(s) for CRS before becoming free to release new recordings elsewhere. Accepted applicant/ensemble, will contribute all artistic service to this recording for the above benefits. Resumes are recommended.

Eligibility Requirements

How to Apply

What you'll need:

  • Checkmark Application Form
  • Checkmark Application Form May Be Submitted By Mail
  • Checkmark Entry In A Contest
  • Checkmark Self-addressed Stamped Envelope With Application
Contact Jack Shusterman
Artist Representative
Tel: 610-205-9897
Fax: 707-549-5920 Address 724 Winchester Road
Broomall, PA 19008