Avg. Amount Awarded
May 15 2025
Application Deadline
Apply Now
What you'll need:
  • Checkmark Application Form
  • Checkmark Application Form May Be Submitted By Email
  • Checkmark Essay
  • Checkmark Financial Need Analysis
  • Checkmark Recommendations Or References
  • Checkmark Transcript
Apply Now
Fresh Start Scholarship


Have had at least a two year break in education either after completing high school or during post-secondary (college) studies. For more info, kindly visit the scholarship site.

Eligibility Requirements

  • CheckmarkMust be an undergraduate student
  • CheckmarkMust attend a four-year college or two-year college
  • CheckmarkMust be at least 20 years old
  • CheckmarkCitizenship requirements: US
  • CheckmarkRestricted to female students
  • CheckmarkMust not be attending high school currently
  • CheckmarkRestricted to residents of Delaware
  • CheckmarkRestricted to students studying in Delaware

How to Apply

What you'll need:

  • Checkmark Application Form
  • Checkmark Application Form May Be Submitted By Email
  • Checkmark Essay
  • Checkmark Financial Need Analysis
  • Checkmark Recommendations Or References
  • Checkmark Transcript
Tel: 302-397-3440 Address P.O. Box 7784
Wilmington, DE 19803