Save Time and Money While Earning College Credit with Credit by Exam

Get the CLEP and DSST resources and study tools you need to earn college credit and help you shorten time to a degree.

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What is Credit by Exam?

Credit by Exam (CBE), one of the best kept secrets in education, is a cost-effective way to earn college credit by demonstrating your knowledge of course material through taking and passing an AP, UExcel, CLEP, or DSST exam. Each passed exam gives you the equivalent of three college credits, which helps you save money and shorten your time to a degree.

These exams often serve specific audiences differently, so it’s best to become familiar with which exam is best for your specific needs. For instance, AP exams primarily serve high school students and benefit them by exposing them to college-level course work within the familiar parameters of high school. AP exams differ from other types of CBE exams in that they require more demonstrable analysis, either through essays or calculations, in addition to multiple choice questions.

Students seeking to gain credit by exam should understand the nuances of the type of test they are taking, including question types, how often exams are offered, length of the exam, and the audience for whom it serves. They may find that a different type of exam is better suited to their needs.

Learn 5 common credit by exam missteps to avoid.

Credit by Exam Options

We recommend brushing up on the foundational skills of the CBE test you are pursuing. We offer test prep for the following CBE tests, which include practice tests, flashcards, and instructional videos to help you prepare.

Top Credit By Exam FAQs

The College Level Examination Program, or the CLEP, is a collection of standardized tests that measures your knowledge of certain subjects. Students can earn college credit at thousands of colleges and universities by earning a satisfactory score on a computer-based CLEP exam.
The DSST is a collection of standardized tests that measures your knowledge of certain subjects. Students can earn college credit at thousands of colleges and universities by earning a satisfactory score on a DSST exam.
You can acquire college credit by taking credit by exam tests such as AP, CLEP, DSST or UExcel exams. You will need to pass the exam in order to earn credit. Most CBE tests that you pass equate to 3 college credits.
Peterson’s recommends taking an initial practice test to gauge your familiarity with the subject. While it’s possible to take and pass an exam with content you are not versed in, it’s recommended that you take exams for which you have some sort of previous familiarity with the subject. You should have at least some foundational knowledge of the subject for which you are testing to ensure you will perform well.
The American Council on Education (ACE) provides credit recommendations for many forms of prior credit learning, including CLEP and DSST exams. Frequently, they recommend a “minimum qualifying score.” Students often make the mistake of assuming that this minimum qualifying score, or passing score, is enough to get them the credit they desire. Individual institutions, however, have the power to decide what score, if any, will be accepted for credit. For example, ACE recommends credit be awarded for scaled CLEP scores (all exams) of 50 or higher. Some colleges and universities will require a higher score on a CLEP exam in order to accept your results as a passing score. Make sure to check with your college or university for testing requirements. Taking the time to study, and performing to one’s ability will benefit students by increasing the likelihood of credit acceptance at a broader range of colleges and universities.
AP exams for most tests cost $94. CLEP exams cost $89 (although some testing centers or remote-proctored exams may have additional fees). DSST exams cost $100; however, exam fees for the first attempt of any DSST exam are covered by DANTES for eligible military service members.
Schools that offer AP classes will administer the test by collecting your fee of $94, ordering the test, and arranging a test taking location and time. Talk to your teacher or contact the AP coordinator at your school. If you have a significant financial need, the College Board website explains fee reduction options. CLEP exams are administered online. Register online on the College Board website. For DSST exams, students can only register and pay for a DSST exam at an authorized DSST testing center. The GetCollegeCredit website is a great resource to find information on locating testing centers as well as institutions that award credit for the DSST.
Not all institutions accept CBE, and an even greater number of them do not have formal policies around Prior Learning Assessment (PLA). Here are some key things to consider before taking your CBE test:
  1. Check if your college accepts AP credit with this search from College Board.
  2. More than 2,900 U.S. colleges and universities accept credit for CLEP exams. Check which schools accept CLEP credit.
  3. Discover which schools accept DSST credits.
  4. Take the time to investigate if CBE credits will transfer to your institution of choice. The best thing to do is to speak with an admissions counselor who can provide you with a better understanding of what will be accepted, or speak to the department chair for further clarification. 
  5. A special note on AP credits. While many colleges “accept” AP exams, the amount of credit awarded varies widely, and some institutions will use the exams as a measure of placement, thereby enrolling students in a higher level course, but not awarding any credit. 
While CBE tests can help shorten your time to a degree, many of these credits will go toward fulfilling introductory-level requirements at your institution. It’s important to note that colleges will accept credit for general education, but not for the major or minor department of study. If you’re planning to become a business major for instance, your school may not allow you to use business CBE credits toward your major. As a rule of thumb, always find out if credit will be accepted and which credit requirements it will satisfy. Speak to an admissions counselor for more details about what you can expect.
You can take an AP exam each May when it’s offered. Your score report will include your scores for each AP exam you have taken, although, you can request that one or more scores be withheld or canceled.