AFOQT Test Prep

Our AFOQT prep helps you earn a high AFOQT
score so you can advance your Air Force career.



Your AFOQT Test Prep Course Includes:

  • Diagnostic Test
  • 2 Full-length AFOQT Practice Tests
  • Flashcards
  • AFOQT Topic Reviews
  • Detailed Answer Explanations
  • Comprehensive AFOQT Scoring Information

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  • 90 Minutes of Live, Online Tutoring
  • 1 Writing or Essay Review Each Month
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  • Includes Everything in 1-Month Subscription
  • 270 Minutes of Live, Online Tutoring
  • 1 Writing or Essay Review Each Month
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Success Starts Here

Peterson's AFOQT test prep will guide you through topic lessons and full-length AFOQT practice tests that will help you increase your AFOQT score and expand your career opportunities within the United States military.

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    Tools for Success

    Transform test anxiety into confidence with proven tools and learning methods to help you succeed on test day and open the doors to more career opportunities.

  • Practice Tests

    Mimic test day, uncover your strengths and weaknesses, boost your time management skills, and make every study session a step closer to expanding your career opportunities.

  • Flashcards

    Actively recall key concepts and terms with online flashcard sets—designed for you so you can seamlessly and confidently replay and memorize the most important content for exam day.

  • Detailed Explanation

    Detailed answer explanations for every question will give you a complete understanding of all AFOQT topics, making your study efforts more impactful and leading you to a higher score.

Instructional videos and lessons guide you through the subjects on the AFOQT exam.
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How Jonathan Raised His ASVAB Score

With Peterson’s intuitive platform and test prep app, Jonathan was able to fit study sessions into his busy schedule. During his ASVAB test prep, he saw his scores rising higher and higher! He was able to go into the ASVAB test with confidence and did great!

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Peterson's Test prep has helped thousands of people pass their exams, increase their AFOQT scores, and achieve their goals. But don't take our word for it, see what our happy subscribers are saying.

I started preparing for the test 3 months ago and took it a week ago. I passed it! If I hadn't used you guys, I probably would not have passed the OAR and gotten a qualifying score.

- Hannah

Awesome Course helped me out a lot with ASVAB prep!

- David

The practice tests are wonderful. They are very accurate to the test. I took the test I practiced for and it was so accurate! I was very pleased.

- Leah


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  • The Air Force Officer Qualifying Test, or AFOQT test, assesses your ability to become a pilot, navigator, or officer in the U.S. Air Force. The AFOQT test is used to select candidates for officer commissioning programs. The test is approximately five hours long including two breaks. The AFOQT consists of multiple choice questions, the test is broken into 12 subtests, each with a determined, varying amount of time to complete the section. You are scored on the number of correct answers through a composite score and are not penalized for guessing.
  • The AFOQT test includes a full topic review including:
    • Verbal analogies—tests your ability to see connections between words through reason by completing an analogy with the best phrase or choice given to you. 
    • Word knowledge—checks understanding of words and their meaning
    • Block counting—evaluates the ability to discern in three-dimensional space how many blocks are in contact with one another
    • Instrument comprehension—leverages the ability to determine an aircraft’s position relative to instrument readings
    • Table reading—assesses the ability to interpret data in charts and tables
    • Physical Science—measures understanding of science topics such as chemistry, biology, physical science, and physics
    • Aviation information—measures knowledge of aviation terminology and principles
    • Self-description inventory—determines personal characteristics
    • Arithmetic knowledge—assesses knowledge of mathematical themes, principles, and terms
    • Reading comprehension—evaluates reading level and vocabulary relative to technical writing
    • Situational judgment—tests the ability to assess and respond to any circumstances that might arise as an officer through real-life scenarios, finding the most effective and ineffective path forward
  • Scratch paper will be provided for calculations on the test.
  • The AFOQT scores are based on a composite score system. AFOQT test results are made up of six composite scores: Pilot, Combat Systems Officer (CSO), Air Battle Manager (ABM), Academic Aptitude, Verbal, and Quantitative. AFOQT scores are scaled into percentiles based on others who took the test—measuring how you scored in comparison to others who took the test. There are minimum composite scores that must be attained to qualify for each position. Check AFOQT scores for your desired position to see the minimum required composite score.
  • AFOQT passing scores for candidates who want to qualify for a job in the Air Force must receive a minimum score of 15 on the Verbal section and 10 on the Quantitative section of the AFOQT.
  • The AFOQT minimum scores for pilot candidates are 25 on the Pilot subtest, 10 on the Navigator section, and a combined Pilot-Navigator score of 50.
  • AFOQT tests are for anyone who aspires to become an officer, pilot, or navigator in the U.S. Air Force. All cadets on scholarship or in the POC are required to take this standardized test. Candidates must take the AFOQT test and meet minimum score requirements. Peterson’s AFOQT prep course gives you everything you need for the best chance to meet those requirements.
  • Peterson’s AFOQT test prep prepares you for the questions you can expect on the exam with one diagnostics test, two online practice tests, and flashcards to test your knowledge of key terms—providing a roadmap for how to study for the AFOQT. You can also access our AFOQT study guide which provides exam details, content featured on the exam, study tips, and how to prepare for the exam. With Peterson’s test prep, you’ll have access to everything to help you study and prepare for your AFOQT test.
  • The AFOQT test is extensive and determines your eligibility for officer, pilot, or navigator positions in the Air Force. There are minimum scores necessary to qualify for certain positions—making AFOQT test prep a necessity. Therefore, it is important to be familiar with the content to prepare yourself for this exam. You will want a qualifying score, and with anything of this exam’s magnitude, a little practice is in order. You may be asking yourself, “How long should I study for the AFOQT?” We recommend at least 6 weeks of AFOQT test prep to prepare you for exam day.
  • If you are enrolled in an Air Force ROTC program, you will be required to take the AFOQT test. If you are not, go to the Air Force website to locate a recruiter in your area, who will guide you through the process.