ASTB-E Test Prep
Our ASTB-E test prep helps you score high on the ASTB-E exam so you can prove your
aptitude for aviation and expand your career opportunities within the United States Military.

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- Military Branch Score Breakdown Guide
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Edward improved his test weaknesses through Peterson's ASTB practice test, flashcards, and instructional videos and is now in the process of putting in an officer package!
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I started preparing for the test 3 months ago and took it a week ago. I passed it! If I hadn't used you guys, I probably would not have passed the OAR and gotten a qualifying score.
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Awesome Course helped me out a lot with ASVAB prep!
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The practice tests are wonderful. They are very accurate to the test. I took the test I practiced for and it was so accurate! I was very pleased.
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- The Aviation Selection Test Battery (ASTB) is used by the U.S. Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard to select candidates for pilot and flight officer training programs. ASTB-E is the current version which is made up of seven subtests.
- Aspiring pilots and flight officers for the U.S. Navy, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard must take the ASTB-E and meet minimum requirements before they can begin aviation training.
- The ASTB-E is comprised of 7 subtests: Math skills test (MST), Reading comprehension test (RCT), Mechanical comprehension test (MCT), Aviation and nautical information test (ANIT), Naval aviation trait facet inventory (NATFI), Performance-based measures battery (PMB), Biographical inventory with response validation (BI-RV).
- No. Candidates with aviation or shipboard experience can use their knowledge to do well on the exam. However, it is not a requirement. An ASTB study guide and practice test will help you get your best test scores.
- The Officer Aptitude Rating (OAR) is part of the ASTB. The OAR is determined by the first three of the seven subtests: Math skills test (MST), Reading comprehension test (RCT), Mechanical comprehension test (MCT). The OAR is scored in single point increments between 20 and 80.
- The OAR score is required for non-aviation office programs, such as the Navy Officer Candidate School (OCS).
- Yes. Aviation program candidates must take all seven sections of the ASTB-E.
- Contact a recruiter from the branch you wish to serve by visiting the branch’s website. If the recruiter deems that you qualify as an applicant, they will assist you in scheduling a test date and time.
- In addition to the Officer Aptitude Rating (OAR), there are another three scoring categories: The Academic Qualifications Rating (AQR), the Pilot Flight Aptitude Rating (PFAR), and Flight Officer Aptitude Rating (FOFAR). These three categories are scored on a stanine of 0-9.
- The score requirements vary for each service branch and military career. Student Naval Aviators and Coast Guards need a 4 on the AQR and a 5 on the PFAR. Student Naval Flight Officers and Marine Pilots & Marine Flight Officers need a 4 or 5 on the AQR and a 5 or 6 on the FOFAR.
- While everyone is different, Peterson’s recommends at least six weeks of preparation for test day. Practice tests are an essential part of the process.
- Some subtests can be taken online or on paper, while other sections of the ASTB are online only. The Officer Aptitude Rating (OAR) section of the ASTB can be taken on paper or online. The OAR consists of the Math skills, Reading comprehension, and Mechanical comprehension tests.
- The following four subtests are online-only:
- Aviation and nautical information test (ANIT)
- Naval aviation trait facet inventory (NATFI)
- Performance-based measures battery (PBM)
- The Biographical inventory with response validation (BI-RV)
- You can take the ASTB-E up to three times. There is a mandatory minimum 30-day wait before retaking the ASTB-E a second time and a 90-day wait before the third and final time.