FBI Test Practice Tests

Our FBI Phase 1 Exam Practice Tests and FBI Phase 1 Study Guide
will help you pass the first step to becoming an FBI Agent with confidence.



Your FBI Phase 1 Practice Tests Include

  • 2 Full-length FBI Practice Tests
  • 159 FBI Practice Questions
  • FBI Phase 1 Study Guide

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    Tools for Success

    Performing well and earning a high score on the FBI Phase 1 Exam is the gateway to becoming an FBI Special Agent. Our FBI Phase 1 Exam Practice Tests and FBI Phase 1 Study Guide will help you pass the first step with confidence.

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  • The FBI Phase 1 exam, also known as the FBI Special Agent test, is the first step to becoming an FBI Special Agent. The FBI Phase 1 exam tests your cognitive, behavior, and logical reasoning skills through multiple choice questions. The exam also helps determine whether or not the special agent work environment would be a good fit for the candidates taking the exam and if their behaviors and personality align with the role of a special agent and the FBI’s core values. The core values of the FBI include upholding the Constitution, compassion, fairness, integrity, accountability, leadership, and diversity.
  • The FBI exam in a 3-hour exam that includes five assessments:
    1. Logic-Based Reasoning includes several problem solving passages and 40-50 questions to be answered in 90 minutes.
    2. Figural Reasoning features figures that will test your ability to analyze and complete the pattern.
    3. Personality Assessment where you will be given a personality test designed to see if you possess the character traits needed for the job.
    4. Preferences and Interests includes 37 questions designed to gather information about your personal preferences on a number of different topics.
    5. Situational Judgment assesses how you can adjust to changing environments, make decisions, organize, and prioritize.
  • The passing score for the FBI Phase 1 exam is based on the combination of all three tests rather than individual passing scores for each test. You will be notified about your pass or fail status within 30 days of taking the FBI tests. The actual FBI Phase 1 test scores will not be disseminated. If you do not pass the FBI Phase 1 exam for the first time, you’ll have a second chance to retest 90 days after your final test session. If you fail it for the second time, your application for the FBI Special Agent position will be permanently deactivated.
  • The FBI Phase 1 exam is for those who want to become an FBI special agent. A prospective FBI agent’s behaviors and personality must align with the role of a special agent and the FBI’s core values. Those taking the FBI Phase 1 (or the FBI Special Agent Test) must demonstrate critical thinking, reasoning abilities, and problem solving skills. FBI Special Agent Applicants will be evaluated on the FBI’s Core Competencies throughout the entire process of The Special Agent Selection System (SASS). SASS Core Competencies include:
    • Collaboration
    • Communication
    • Flexibility and adaptability
    • Initiative
    • Interpersonal ability
    • Leadership
    • Organization and planning
    • Problem solving and judgement
  • Peterson’s FBI exam prep prepares you for the questions you can expect on the exam with two full-length, online FBI Exam Phase 1 practice tests. By taking FBI Phase 1 practice tests, you’ll have a great idea of what this type of test is like and become much more confident on test day. Utilizing FBI exam study guides practice tests will give you a great idea of exam details, content and question types featured on the FBI Phase 1 test, FBI exam study tips, and how to prepare for the FBI Special Agent exam. Many test takers find that dedicating time to preparing for the logic-based and figural reasoning sections of the FBI Phase 1 exam is especially beneficial and important for success.
  • Peterson’s offers two full-length FBI entrance exam practice tests specifically designed to help you become familiar with the test format and questions, thus helping you increase your final score on the FBI exam. We recommend you take multiple practice tests prior to taking the real FBI exam for the best results. For the FBI Phase 1 exam sections that focus on personality, preferences and interests, and situational judgment questions, try to give a true reflection of yourself. Strive to respond with honesty and not with a response you think the selection committee wants to hear. The more you practice at these sections, the better you’ll learn to answer based on your intuition.
  • The FBI Phase 1 exam requires a high level of critical thinking and reasoning skills. Your knowledge and aptitude on a variety of subjects and matters will be measured by a lengthy series of challenging multiple-choice questions that will require complex problem-solving skills. Preparing for the FBI Phase 1 exam will be incredibly important for successful results. While everyone is different, Peterson’s recommends at least six weeks of preparation prior to the exam. FBI Phase 1 practice tests are an essential part of the preparation process for the exam. Having a strong understanding and grasp on the FBI core values will also be beneficial.
    1. After passing the FBI Phase 1 exam, you will need to pass the Phase 2 exam which consists of written research reports along with a panel interview with three special agents.
    2. Candidates will then need to pass the physical fitness test, or “Fit Test.”
    3. Once you pass all of the above FBI tests, you will receive a conditional appointment offer whereby you will need to submit your acceptance within one week.
    4. FBI applicants will then need to pass an extensive background check.
    5. The final phase of becoming an FBI agent involves completing the basic FBI field training course at the FBI Academy.


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